OCTs are difficult to master because...

  • There is a steep learning curve

  • Most programs offer little training in OCT reading

  • Training usually requires doing a fellowship

The OCT Reading Certification Program

Step-by-step online training by a leading retinal specialist on how to confidently read OCTs in AMD, DME, tumors and much more!

Meet Your Instructor

Editor-in-Chief Optocase

Sanjay Sharma MD

Dr. Sanjay Sharma is the Editor-in-Chief of Optocase a platform that empowers 20,000+ Optometrists to become outstanding clinicians. A professor of Ophthalmology at Queen's University, Dr. Sharma is a retinal specialist who has written over 200 scientific articles and a number of textbooks, including the AMA's Evidence Based to Value Based Medicine and The Quick Guide to OCT Mastery. He runs a multi-city retinal practice and has treated over 300,000 retinal patients in his 20 year career. Dr. Sharma has completed his medical training at Wills Eye Hospital and Harvard University.

This OCT Certification Program was created to fit your schedule. It's like a retina fellowship from home.

  • Certify at your own pace

    Each chapter includes 2 to 3 hours of easy-to-follow training based on real cases. Watch lessons between patients, on break or at home - wherever you want.

  • Test your knowledge

    Test your new skills at the end of every chapter. You'll also have access to our digital workbook - to revisit notes at any point.

  • Download your certificate

    Pass your final certification quiz and download your official Optocase OCT Reading Certificate to add to your resume and hang on your wall.


And if you join the OCT Certification program, we will include all of the following 3 bonuses - worth over $100 USD - FREE.

  • The Quick Guide to OCT Mastery

    In this easy-to-read book based on 50 cases you will learn how to rapidly scan an OCT for significant pathology. This book has a value of $80. It is a FREE bonus for doctors who enroll in the OCT Certification Program.

  • The NOERC Template

    The NOERC Guide was designed to help you read an OCT in 60 seconds. You can download the guide and start reading OCTs ASAP!

  • Normal OCT and Cheat Sheets

    We have created a normal OCT which is labelled layer-by-layer for you to place on the wall next to where you read your OCT images - so you can easily reference it when reading OCTs in the clinic. It also includes fast read tips for AMD, DME and RVO!

Start getting certified today!

4x Monthly Payment Plan


   Secure and protected checkout

1x Payment


   Secure and protected checkout


Our 30-Day Guarantee gives you a full month to try out the course, risk-free. If you are not completely satisfied with the course content, we’ll give you a full refund. 

Meet Our Students

What others are saying about Optocase's OCT Program

Broaden OCT Competency

Dr. Douglas Black

"Optocase has proven to be a valuable teaching/review tool for me. It continues to reinforce my knowledge base and broaden my OCT competency. Dr. Sharma's cases reflect common pathology we all come across on a fairly regular bases, cases germane to an Optometric practice. Thanks for keeping me tuned-up!! Keep up the good work!”

Drastically increase OCT reading skills

Dr. Robert Burke

"By simply reading Dr. Sharma's weekly OCT tips, my OCT interpretation skills have increased drastically, more so than from any other learning method, including attending lectures and reviewing journal articles. The OCT tips from Dr. Sharma are relavent, and continually reinforce the physiology of the retinal layers to help provide and maintain a foundation to better understand why a given interpretation leads to a given diagnosis. Over the last 7 years of clinical practice, I have reviewed over 87,000 OCT scans and I can say without hesitation that I still learn something new every single week from Dr Sharma's OCT tips."

Gain Confidence

Dr. Julio Arroyo, CFMP, MBA

"Since a colleague told me about optocase I have never missed one, I always look forward to reading Dr. Sharma's reports. I feel like my knowledge and understanding of retinal anatomy has grown exponentially; I feel very confident now every time I evaluated a scan and I actually get to enjoy what I do every day because of the education I gain from Optocase. Thank you for teaching me every week!"

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome Packet

    • OCT Reading Cheat Sheet

    • The Quick Guide to OCT Mastery

    • The NOERC Method to Reading an OCT

    • Disease Pathology on OCT - Cheat Sheets

  • 2

    OCT Basics

    • The Basics: How to start reading an OCT

    • The 3 deep layers: The key to assessing photoreceptors

    • Drusen: The difference between hard and soft

    • How to assess Visual Prognosis on an OCT

    • Henle’s Fiber Layer: All hyperreflectivity is not bad

    • Retinal Pigment Epithelial Detachment: A deep elevation

    • SHRM: A sign of CNV

    • Geographic Atrophy (GA): Deep retina thinning

    • High Myopia: A cause of retinal thinning

    • How to detect Subretinal Fluid

    • How to detect Exudate: Hyperreflectivity in the OPL

    • How to detect a Nevus: Hyperreflectivity in choriocapillaris

    • How to identify the correct eye: A NFL assessment

    • The importance of assessing the choroid

    • How to assess the COST Line

    • How to detect Macular Edema

    • OCT Basics: Section Quiz

  • 3

    The OCT in Systemic Disease

    • Intro to reading an OCT in Systemic Disease

    • Choroidal Lesions: When to think of a Metastatic Tumor

    • Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum: A Skin disease with Angioid Streaks

    • How to detect CRAO on OCT: Key Signs

    • Malignant Hypertension: Key OCT findings

    • Leukemic Retinopathy: A rare cause of Macular Edema

    • The OCT in Systemic Disease: Section Quiz

  • 4

    OCT in Vascular Disease

    • Intro to OCT Analysis in Retinal Vascular Conditions

    • A Multi-layered hemorrhage: A Case of RAM

    • Paracentral Acute Middle Maculopathy (PAMM): A form of artery occlusion

    • Intra-arterial Embolus: Superficial hyperreflectivity

    • How to diagnose IRVAN

    • Retinal Vein Occlusion: A case linked to Herpes

    • Congenital Retinal Macrovessel (CRM): A rare lesion

    • When to consider Adult-Onset Coats' Disease

    • How to diagnose RAM on OCT

    • How to diagnose RVO on OCT

    • Radiation Retinopathy: A mimicker of Diabetic Retinopathy

    • How to diagnose BRAO on OCT

    • OCT in Vascular Disease: Section Quiz

  • 5

    Inflammatory Disease

    • Intro to using OCT in Inflammatory Disease

    • Calcified Granuloma: Consider in hyperreflective choroidal lesion

    • When to consider MEWDS on OCT

    • Histoplasmosis: A non-AMD related cause of CNV

    • Sclerochoroidal Calcification (SCC): Deep hyperreflectivity

    • Chronic Granuloma can affect the superficial retina

    • Cat-Scratch Disease: Look for exudate on OCT

    • APMPPE: A classic ONL and deep retinal disease

    • OCT in Inflammatory Disease: Section Quiz

  • 6

    Diabetic Retinopathy

    • Intro to detecting Diabetic Retinopathy on OCT

    • How to detect PDR on OCT

    • A case of PDR and CRAO: Significant thinning

    • How to detect a Microaneurysm on OCT

    • How to detect a preretinal hemorrhage in a diabetic patient

    • PDR: Search for surface NVE

    • Severe NPDR on OCTA

    • How to diagnose DME on OCT

    • Diabetic Macular Edema (DME)

    • Retinal Traction and hemorrhage in Diabetes

    • Diabetic Retinopathy on OCT: Section Quiz

  • 7

    Choroidal Disease

    • Intro to reading OCTs in patients with Choroidal lesions

    • Always look below the RPE: The Choroid on OCT

    • Choroidal Folds: What do they mean?

    • Choroidal Folds in a patient with low IOP

    • Choroidal Folds in a patient with Orbital Pathology

    • The OCT in Choroidal Disease: Section Quiz

  • 8


    • Intro to Tumors on OCT

    • Cavernous Hemangioma: A superficial retinal lesion

    • Capillary Hemangioma: A vascular lesion of the retina

    • Choroidal Hemangioma: A deep retinal lesion

    • Choroidal Melanoma: A lesion beneath the RPE

    • A subtle Melanoma on OCT

    • Choroidal Osteoma: Deep hyperreflectivity in the choroid

    • CHRPE: Mix atrophy and hyperpigmentation

    • Melanocytoma: A pigmented lesion of the optic nerve

    • PECR: Peripheral hemorrhage

    • Choroidal Melanoma: Double Circulation

    • Tumor on OCT: Section Quiz

  • 9

    Optic Disc

    • Intro to Optic Disc lesions on OCT

    • How to diagnose Optic Pit on OCT

    • Optic Pit a cause of SRF on OCT

    • How to diagnose Peripapillary CNV on OCT

    • Peripapillary CNV: Hyperreflectivity in Subretinal Space

    • Optic Disc lesions on OCT: Section Quiz

  • 10

    Traumatic Injuries

    • Intro to OCT in Traumatic Injuries

    • How to detect Choroidal Rupture on OCT

    • How to diagnosed Valsalva Hemorrhage on OCT

    • When to consider Irvine-Gass Syndrome on OCT

    • Commotio Retina: An outer retinal pathology

    • Whiplash Maculopathy: A very rare case

    • Traumatic Injuries on OCT: Section Quiz

  • 11

    Retinal Dystrophies

    • Intro to Macular Dystrophies on OCT

    • How to diagnose Pattern Dystrophy on OCT

    • Pattern Dystrophy

    • How to diagnose Stargardt’s Disease on OCT

    • A case of Adult AVMD: A mimicker of wet AMD

    • How to diagnose Cone Dystrophy on OCT

    • How to diagnose Best's Disease on OCT

    • Macular Dystrophy on OCT: Section Quiz

  • 12


    • Intro to Retinal Toxicity on OCT

    • How to diagnose Chloroquine Retinopathy on OCT

    • A rare case of Crystalline Retinopathy on OCT

    • How to diagnose Talc Retinopathy on OCT

    • RPE Atrophy due to Hydroxychloroquine Use

    • Retinal Toxicity on OCT: Section Quiz

  • 13

    Macular Disease

    • Intro to Macular Disease on OCT

    • How to recognize Geographic Atrophy (GA) on OCT

    • How to diagnose a Fibrovascular PED on OCT

    • RAP: What is it? And how to diagnose it on OCT

    • CNV: What is the cause?

    • How to recognize Outer Retinal Tubulation on OCT

    • How to detect Soft Drusen on OCT

    • How to diagnose Best's Disease on OCT

    • Types of CNV on OCT (and OCTA)

    • How to diagnose CSCR

    • How to diagnose MacTel on OCT

    • How to detect an RPE Rip on OCT

    • Mystery Case: An unusual case of CNV

    • How to diagnose Dry AMD on OCT

    • Hemorrhagic PEDs on OCT

    • Macular Changes on OCT: Section Quiz

  • 14


    • Your Downloads

Retinal OCT Certification Program

We certify eye doctors to confidently read OCTs.
OCT scan

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What exactly is in this certification course?

    The course consists of expert review of OCT cases with Dr. Sanjay Sharma - an internationally-recognized retinal specialist who has taught over 21,000 eye doctors how to read OCTs. You will be able to get access to over 20 hours of video teaching material in which he shows you step-by-step how to read an OCT. He has chosen the best cases from his 25+ year practice for you to gain real-world experience from.

  • This sounds great. What is my investment?

    You can choose from either a one-time payment of US$699 or a four-month payment plan at US$199/month. You can select either one from one of the buttons below this page!

  • Is it a problem that I have never been taught to read an OCT?

    No! Many of our students are eye doctors who have never been formally taught how to read an OCT or who have had limited exposure to retinal diseases in their training. This course assumes no prior knowledge (except knowing where the retina is in the eye ;) We will walk you through each cases in a step-by-step fashion and you can also follow through with our workbook.

  • Will there be clinical illustrations?

    Yes, this is a no-fluff program that is based on clinical cases. It is like coming and doing a fellowship with Dr. Sharma in the clinic. He will walk you through each OCT in a step-by-step fashion using his NOERC(™) method and integrate the OCT with relevant clinical images taken from Optos, OCTA, and angiography. He will also cover exactly what he is thinking when he reviews each case.

  • Is it applicable to anyone in the world?

    YES! YES! YES! That's the beauty of online learning. We have Optocase users all over the world from America, to Asia, to Europe to Africa and everywhere in between. If you have an internet connection and a smart device... you are good to go to start your journey to becoming an eye doctor who will become an OCT reading Master!

  • How do the bonuses work?

    Because we are so excited to get you on your journey, we have 3 bonuses for you. The first is The Quick Guide to OCT Mastery e-book. The second is a quick PDF of the NOERC Guide that will get you rolling on OCT reading in 60 seconds flat! The last is a cheat sheet showing a normal OCT and important findings in AMD, DME and RVO. Many of our students tape this onto the wall next to their computer where these interpret OCTs. All of these resources are available on the bonus section of the site.

  • Is there a refund policy?

    Yes, there is. We’re so confident you’ll love the way this program shows you exactly how and where to start successfully reading an OCT (even if you’ve got limited time), with real action items and step-by-step detail, that we offer a 30-day money-back satisfaction guarantee. We’ll promptly refund every cent 30 days of purchase. For full details of our refund policy, please read the section “Refund Policy – The OCT Certification Program ” in the Terms & Conditions page.

  • What makes your program different than others?

    There’s no other online program that walks you through exactly what you need to know to start reading OCTs with confidence fast, taught by someone who read tens of thousands of retinal OCTs. What’s more, everything has been broken down in step-by-step detail with action plans including how to quickly master the basics before tackling cases in macala, diabetes, trauma, toxicity and many other areas! And best of all, after completing the course, you get a certificate from Optocase that you can frame and hang on your wall - or brag to your friends on Linkedin, Instagram, Clubhouse or TikTok!

  • Anything else?

    Just shoot our support team at ([email protected]) & we'll get back to you asap. Please note that our support team generally replies within the first 24-48 hours.

The Cost of Inaction

Where will you be 30, 60, or 90 days from now?

By following the easy-to-implement NOERC framework for reading an OCT - which is the basis for this program, you will start your journey to becoming an OCT reading expert.

And with it you will be confident in your discussions with patients and in your referral letters.

Will it take some hard work and dedicated focus? Of course it will. But aren’t a few weeks or months of work worth the ability to get to the point where you overcome retinophobia and really feel super confident in diagnosing AMD, DME and RVO?

That’s what’s waiting for you. That’s what’s on the other side of this program. And instead of wasting time, wading through hours of stuff on YouTube...

You could simply invest in the OCT Certification course for less than $2 (USD) a day and get step-by-step guidance on how to read over 100 cases. Additionally, the OCT Reading Course qualifies as a tax-deductible expense under the continuous education category, so you can write it off come tax time, in good conscience.

Start getting certified today!

4x Monthly Payment Plan


   Secure and protected checkout

1x Payment


   Secure and protected checkout


Our 30-Day Guarantee gives you a full month to try out the course, risk-free. If you are not completely satisfied with the course content, we’ll give you a full refund.